Had my first research presentation at Mayo as a Research Engg. It went pretty good the best part was my boss really liked it. I think I liked it too. I guess that's the good news.
Now the not so good news..
No kidding but Minnesota winter has truely arrived and with big bang. They said it was going to snow about 4-6 inches between tuesday and wednesday and it has infact already snowed good 2 inches. Tomorrow doesn't look any better, the temperatures are not going to rise above 28F, which ain't that bad if you consider whatz gonna come the day after.
You don't really realize the impact of snow unless you drive and that's where by far the worst news comes.. I had to go to Walmart to buy the window scrapper for snow... and the 2 mile drive felt like hell.... wasn't able to see more than 20 ft away... may be it is just because I was driving in the snow for the first time... but it sure was one hell of a ride.... Fortunately, it was uneventful.. I hope it remains the sameway...