

Some keyboard shortcuts to remember when using IM

? - what?
@COLL - at college
@HM - at home
@SCHL - at school
@WRK - at work
^)^ ^(^ - Two people talking
~~~c___ Beach
:-|:-| Deja' vu
1DAFUL - wonderful
2 - to, too, two
24/7 - twenty four hours a day, seven days a week
2B - to be
2BCTND - to be continued
2D4 - to die for
2DAY - today
2L8 - too late
2MORO - tomorrow
2NITE - tonight
4 - for
4E - forever
7K - sick
8 - ate
A/S/L? - Age/Sex/Location
ACTIV8 - activate
ADD - address
ADN - Any Day Now
AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware
AFAIAC - As Far As I Am Concerned
AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIR - As Far As I Remember
AFAIUI - As Far As I Understand It
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AISB - As I Said Before/ As It Should Be
AISI - As I See It
AIUI - As I Understand It
AIW - As It Were
AKA - Also Known As
ALIWANISU - all i want is you
AMAP - As Much As Possible
AML - all my love
ANYTNG - anything
AOB - Any Other Business
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATB - All The Best
ATK - At The Keyboard
ATM - At The Moment
A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
ATTN - Attention
ATW - at the weekend
AU - Australia
AVDB - Alles van die beste
AVG - Average
AX - across
AYOR - at your own risk
AYT? - Are You There?
B - be/bee
B/C - Because
B2 - back to
B2B - business to business
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye For Now
BAC - By Any Chance
BAK - Back at Keyboard
BBB - Busy Beyond Belief
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF - Be Back In A Flash
BBIAM - Be Back In A Minute
BBIAS - Be Back In A Second
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - be back soon
BCNU - Be Seeing You
BCUM - become
BD - Big Deal
BF - BoyFriend
BG - Big Grin
BIL - Boss Is Listening
BION - Believe It Or Not
BN - been
BN - being
BFN/B4N - Bye For Now
BOL - Best Of Luck
BRB - Be Right Back
BRT - Be Right There
BTA - But Then Again
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTM - Beats Me
BTR - better
BTW - By The Way
BWD - backward
BYKT - But You Knew That
C - see
CZIN - season
C%D - could
C%L - cool
C&G; - Chuckle and Grin
CEO - chief executive
CUL8er - See You Later
C/O - Care Of
C&P; - Copy And Paste
Ct&P; - Cut And Paste
CB - Call Back
CC - Carbon Copy
CCWC - Can't Cook Won't Cook
CFD - Calls For Discussion
CHLN - Chilling
CID - Crying In Disgrace/Consider it done
CIO - Cut It Out
Cir. - Circle
CLD9? - cloud 9?
COD - Cash On Delivery
CM - call me
CMB - call me back
CN - can
CNP - Continue Next Post
COS - Because
CR8 - create
CSG - chuckle snicker grin
CART - Can't Remember A Thing
CSh - Coffe Shop
CU - See You
cu @ 8 - see you at 8
CUB L8R - Call You Back Later
CYR BOS - Call Your Boss
CU2MORO - see you tomorrow
CU2NITE - see you tonight

CUPL - couple
CUS - see you soon
CUZ - because
CYA - See Ya
CV - Curriculum Vitae
CYO - See You Online
CYR H - Call Your Husband
CYR BRO - Call Your Brother
CYR PA - Call Your Father
CYR OFIS - Call Your Office
CYR MA - Call Your Mother
CYR SIS - Call Your Sister
CYR WF - Call Your Wife
D - the
D8 - date
D8ing - dating
DB8 - debate
DD - dead
DICT8 - dictate
DINR - dinner
DK - don't know
DL - download
DM& - demand
DOIN - doing
DOM - dirty old man
D/L - Download
DAMHIK - Don't Ask Me How I Know
DBzA - Doing Business As
DIKU? - Do I know You
DIM - Do It Myself
DIY - Do It Yourself
DK - Don't Know
DNA - Did Not Answer
DNO - Do Not Open
DOA - Date Of Arrival
DOB - Date Of Birth
DON - Doing
DQMOT - Don't Quote Me On This
DTP - Desk Top Publishing
DTTAH - Don't Try This At Home
DUCWIC - Do You See What I See
DUR - do you remember
DV8 - deviate
DWB - don't write back
DXNRE - dictionary
EG - Evil Grin
EMFBI - Excuse Me For Butting In
EMSG - email message
EOL - end of lecture
EOM - End Of Message
EOT - End of Thread
E&OE; - Errors and Omissions Excepted
ED - Emotionally Disturbed
EMSG - Email Message
EOB - End of Business
EOD - End of Discussion
EOF - End Of File
EOL - End Of Lecture
EOM - End Of Message
ESP - Especially
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
EZI - easy
EZY - easy
F? - Friends?
F2F - Face To Face
F2T - free to talk
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FC - Fingers Crossed
FIFO - First In First Out
FIL - Father In Law
FILO - First In Last Out
FIOFY - Figure It Out For Yourself
FISH - First In Still Here
FITB - Fill In The Blank
FOCL - Fell Off Chair Laughing
FONE - phone
FOS - Freedom Of Speech
FST - fast
FTAC - fantasy
FTBOMH - From The Bottom Of My Heart
FTBL - football
FTL - Faster Than Light
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FUNE - funny
FWD - forward
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYI - For Your Information
G2CU - glad/good to see you
G2G - Got To Go
G2SY - glad/good to see you
GA - Go Ahead
GAFIA - Get Away From It All
GAL - Get A Life
GBH&K; - Great Big Hugs & Kisses
GBH&KB; - Great Big Hugs & Kisses Back
GD&R; - grinning, ducking, and running
GF - GirlFriend
GFN - Gone For Now
GG - Gotta Go/Good Game
GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out
GJ - Good Job
GL - Good Luck
GM - good move
GMAB - give me a break
GMESUMLUVIN - give me some loving
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
GNR8 - generate
GNR8N - generation
GNRLE - generally
GOOML - Get Out Of My Life
GONNA - going to
GOWI - Get On With It
GPF - General Protection Fault
GR8 - Great
G9 - Genius
GRQ - Get Rich Quick
GSH - Good Sense of Humour
GSOH - good salary, own home/good sense of humour
GT - good try
GTG - got to go
GUDLUK - Good Luck
H2 - How To
H2CUS - hope to see you soon
H8 - hate
HAGN - Have a Good Night
HAGO - Have A Good One
HAK - hugs and kisses
HAMRD - hammered
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HB - Hug Back
HH - Holding Hands
HICA - Here It Comes Again
HIG - How's it going
HLDMECLS - hold me close
HOAS - Hold On A Second
HOHIL - head over heels in love
HOPR - Hang On Phone's Ringing
HOTLUV - hot love
HOUER - Hanging On Your Every Word
HOWRU? - how are you?
HT4U - hot for you
HP - Home Page
HSP - Highly Sensitive Person
HTH - Hope This Helps
HUMR - humour
HV - have
HW - HardWare
HWY - Highway
I - eye
IAAA - I Am An Accountant
IAAD - I Am A Doctor
IAAL - I Am A Lawyer
IAY - I Adore You
IAYT - I Adore You Too
IB - I'm Back
IBC - Inadequate But Cute
IC - I See
ICAM - I Couldn't Agree More
ICP - Internet Content Provider
ICQ - I Seek Youv
ICUR - I See You Are
ID - Identification
IDGI - I Don't Get It
IDK - I Don't Know
IDTS - I Don't Think So
IDTT - I'll Drink To That
IH8U - I hate you
IE - In Effect
IHTBS - It Has To Be Shown
IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly
IJLS - I Just Like Saying
IKWUM - I Know What You Mean
ILU - I Love You
ILU2 - I Love You Too
IM - i am
IM - immediate message
IMBLUV - it must be love
ILUVUMED - i love you more each day
ILY4E - I Love You Forever
IMBO - In My Biased Opinion
IME - In My Experience
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMI - i mean it
IMMOR - I Make My Own Rules
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMPOV - In My Point Of View
IMPRS - impress
IOHIS4U - I only have eyes for you
IMS - I Must Say
IMTNG - In Meeting
INGSI - I'm Not Going To Say It
INT - I'll Never Tell
IO - Input/Output
IOU - I Owe You
IOW - In Other Words
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IRL - In Real Life
IRT - In Real Time
ISC - I Stand Corrected
ISO - In Search Of
ISTM - It Seems To Me
ISTR - I Seem To Remember
ITIGBS - i think i'm gonna be sick
ITAK - It Takes All Kinds
ITFA - In The Final Analysis
ITUFIR - i think you'll find i'm right
ITYM - I Think You Mean
IUSS - if you say so
IUTKATS - I Used To Know All That Stuff
IWALU - I will Always Love You
IWBNI - I Would Be Nice If
IWIK - I Wish I Knew
IYDKIDKWD - if you don't know, i don't know who does.
IYD - In Your Dreams
IYF - In Your Face
IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean
IYQ - I LIke You
IYSS - if you say so
IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean
J/K - Just Kidding
JAM - Just A Moment/Minute
JAS - Just A Second
J4F - Just for Fun
JFYI - Just For Your Information
JH8 - Johannesburg
JIC - Just In Case
JIT - Just In Time
Jr - Junior
JSTCLLME - Just Call Me
JTLYK - Just To Let You Know
JTUSK - Just Thought You Should Know
JTYWTK - Just Thought You Wanted To Know
KC - Keep Cool
KHUF - Know how you feel
KIA - Know It All
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT - keep in touch
KOC - kiss on cheek
KOL - Kiss of lips
KOTL - kiss on the lips
KOTC - kiss on the cheek
KWIM - Know What I Mean
KYHU - Keep Your Head Up
L - laugh
L8 - late
L8R - Later
L&N; - Landing
LALL - Live And Let Live
LAN - Local Area Network
LCH - Lunch
LDN - London
LDR - Long Distance Relationship
LKIT - like it
LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LMA - Leave Me Alone
LMC - Lost My Connection
LMK - Let Me Know
LO - hello
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LSP - Least Sensitive Person
LTM - Laughing To Myself
LTNS - Long Time No See
LTR - Long Term Relationship
LTSGT2GTHR - let's get together
LUV - love
LUVU - love you
LY - Love Ya
LYLAB - Love You Like a Brother
LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister
LYN - Lying
M8 - Mate
MAY - Mad About You
MB - Message Board
MBRSD - embarrassed
MFG - More Friendly Garbage
MFI - mad for it
MHM - Members Helping Members
MING - Mailing
ML - More Later
MM - Multi Media
MMX - MultiMedia eXtensions
MNC - Mother Nature Calls
MOB - mobile
MorF - Male OR Female
MOTOS - Member of the Opposite Sex
MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTD - Message Of The Day
MOTSS - Member Of The Same Sex
MSG - message
MSIE - Microsoft Internet Explorer
MT - My Time
MTE - my thoughts exactly
MTF - more to follow
MYOB - Mind Your Own buniess
N - and
N - no
N1 - nice one!
NA - no access
N/M - Never Mind
NADM - Never A Dull Moment
NAGI - Not A Good Idea
NA - Not Affiliated
N/A - Not Applicable
NBD - No Big Deal
NBTD - Nothing Better To Do
NC - no comment
NCASE - in case
NDM - No Disrespect meant
NE - any
NE1 - Anyone
NED - need
NITING - Anything
NLT - No later Than
NM - Never Mind/No Message
NMI - No Middle Initial
NMP - Not My Problem
NMS - Not My Style
NN - Night Night
NO1 - no one
NOOTO - Nothing Out Of The Ordinary
NOYB - None Of Your Business
NP - No Problem
NPF - No Problem Found/No Picture Found
NQA - No Questions Asked
NQOS - Not Quite Our Sort
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NS - Netscape
NT - No Text
NTG - Not Too Good
NUFN - nothing
NYI - Not Yet Implemented
NVM - never mind
NWO - no way out
O - Over
O4U - only for you
OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject
OB - Obligatory
OBTW - Oh By The Way
OD - OverDose
OIC - Oh I See
OMG - Oh My God
OL - old lady
OM - old man
ON4IT - on for it
ONNA - Oh No Not Again
OO - Over and Out
OOC - Out Of Character
OOI - Out Of Interest
OOSOOM - Out of Sight Out Of Mind
OS - Operating System
OT - Off Topic
OT1H - On The One Hand
OTC - Over The Counter
OTD - Out The Door
OTF - On The Floor
OTL - Out To Lunch
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTT - Over The Top
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OTW - On The Whole
OVA - over
OW -Oh Well
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Please Call Back
PCM - please call me
PD - Public Domain
PDA - Public Display of Affection
PDS - Please Don't Shout
PEST - Please Excuse Slow Typing
PLMK - Please Let Me Know
PL& - planned
PLONK - Person with Little Or No Knowledge
PLS - Please
PM - Pardon Me
PM - private message
PO$BL - Possible
POAHF - Put On A Happy Face
POP - Point Of Presence
POV - Point Of View
PPL - People
PRT - Party
PRW - Parents Are Watching
PTMM - Please Tell Me More
PTMY - Pleased To Meet You
PTO - Please Turn Over
PUKS - Pick Up Kids
Q - Queue
QED - Quite Easily Done
QPSA? - Que Pasa?
QT - Cutie
R - are
RAD - radical
RE - REgarding
RFC - Request For Comment
RFD - Request For Discussion
RGDS - regards
RL - Real Life
RNA - Ring No Answer
ROTBA - Reality On The Blink Again.
RUOK? are you OK?
RSN - Real Soon Now
RT - Real Time
RTM - Read The Manual
RUMF - Are you Male or Female
RU OK - Are you OK?
RUUP4IT? - are you up for it?
SAL - such a laugh
SAT - Sorry About That
SC - stay cool
SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist
SEC - second
SEP - Somebody Else's Problem
SETE - Smiling Ear To Ear
SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware
SHTSI - Somebody Had To Say It
SIG - Special Interest Group
SIT - Stay In Touch
SITD - Still In The Dark
SK8 - skate
sme1 - someone
SMO - Serious Mod On
SMOFF - Serious Mode OFF
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SO - Significant Other
SOT - Short Of Time
SOVS - Some One Very Special
SNERT - snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SO - significant other
SOHF - sense of humour failure
SOL - sooner or later
SOTMG - short of time must go
SPK - speak
SRY - Sorry
STATS - Your sex and age
STS - So To Speak
ST2MORO - same time tomorrow
STW - search the web
SUM1 - someone
SUP - What's Up
SW - Software
SWAK - Sealed With A Kiss
SWDYT? - so what do you think?
SWL - Screaming With Laughter
SWYP - So What's Your Problem
T+ - Think Positive
TAFN - That's All For Now
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice
TBC - To Be Continued
TBE - To Be Expected
TBYB - Try Before You Buy
TC - Take Care
TFTT - Thanks For The Thought
THX - Thank You
THN - then
TIME - Tears In My Eyes
TINALO - This Is Not A Legal Opinion
TINAR - This Is Not A Recommendation
TLC - Tender Loving Care
TMB - text me back
TMI - Too Much Information
TMIKTLIU - The More I Know The Less I Understand.
TMOT - trust me on this
TNX - Thanks
TNT - till next time
TOTBAL - There Ought To Be A Law
TPAE - The Possibilities Are Endless
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TTBE - That's To Be Expected
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTTT - These Things Take Time
TTTT - To tell the truth
TTUL - Talk/Type to You Later
TTYRS - Talk To You Real Soon
TVB - Top Versus Bottom
TYT - Take Your Time
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
U - You
U2 - You Too
U4E - Yours For Ever
U/L - UpLoad
UGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding
UOK - You OK?
UP4IT - up for it
UR - you are
URLCM - You Are Welcome
USU - Usually
UTT - Under The Table
UWOT - you what!
VGC - very good condition
VBG - Very Big Grin
VH - Virtual Hug
VR - Virtual Reality
VRI - very
VT - Virtual Time
W/ - With
W4U - waiting for you
W8 - wait
W84ME - wait for me
W8N - waiting
WAN2 - want to
WAN2TLK? - want to talk?
WAYD - what are you doing
WB - Welcome Back
WBS - write back soon
WCKD - wicked
WEN - when
WENJA? - when do you?
WERJA? - where do you
WERRU? - where are you?
WERUBN? - where have you been?
WK - week
WL - will
WLUBMN? - will you be mine?
WLUMRYME? - will you marry me?
WN - when
WOT - what
WRT - with respect to
WRU - Where are You?
WTG - way to go
WTM? - what time?
WU? - what's up?
WUF? - where are you from ?
WUWH - wish you were here
WTG - Way To Go!
WUF - Where Are You From?
W/O - With Out
X - kiss
X! - typical woman
Xlnt - excellent
XMEQK - kiss me quick
Y - why
Y - Yes
Y! - typical man
YA - you
YBS - you'll be sorry
YIU - yes i understand
YKWYCD - you know what you can do
YL - young lady
YM - young man
YR - your
Z - said
ZZZZ - sleeping